Tackle your toughest clutter … and get your life back!

No more going around in circles, lack of clarity and overwhelm. End the exhausting stop and go procrastination. Tackle your toughest clutter and get your life back.


A virtual course held with no judgement but with lots of humour and compassion by Annette Kurtz


Your destiny is at risk

Unfinished projects are a big burden – especially after you have moved home or want to create a harmonious home to start living your life. It’s the perfect excuse to deviate us from following our calling. If left unattended unfinished business will take up all our physical and mental space. It turns into a stressor that can sabotage the course of our life. The good news is it is never too late to tidy up and get back on track where you belong.

Playing catch up with your life?

How many loose ends have been ignored and for how long? With hands full of stuff in some cases it’s been there for years, it is hard to hear where we are suppose to be and loose ends block the attraction of more promising opportunities. Even when stashed away in a box, unfinished business is weighing on your subconscious mind and can provoke emotions of guilt, shame and low self-esteem. Isn’t it is so exhausting and tiring to play catch up all the time?

Decluttering yo yo?

Most common unfinished projects are piles of paperwork, boxes needing to be unpacked from the last move, overcrowded catch-all spaces such as garages, basements and guest rooms and the never-ending yo yo effect of decluttering attempts. It simply grows back. The sooner we deal with anything unfinished and release it for good, the sooner you will be track on track and experience flow and joy. No-one wants to see all the stuff simply growing back.  

September 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - Tuesdays: 10 - 11am Pacific Time

Course Fee $297.-

What you get

Supportive Community

Benefit #1

  • Safe space
  • Be encouraged
  • Receive guidance
  • Small group of like-minded people
  • Caring accountability


Get the tools you really need

Benefit #2

Learn systems and personalized strategies from international clutter clearing expert Annette

Private WhatsApp Group

benefit # 3

  • Share, ask questions and get feedback in situations when you need it most.
  • Ongoing motivation and momentum.
  • Success is multiplied when celebrated within a group.

Tackle Your Toughest Clutter

Dates and Times 

4 x weekly 1 hr Group Sessions on Zoom

Tuesday Mornings: 10 - 11am Pacific Time

September 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

Course Fee $297.-

Tackle your toughest clutter … and get your life back.

See you inside!

Glowing Feedback

Tackle projects that have been sitting for years

It’s amazing how being part of this group unlocks the motivation and inspiration to tackle projects that have been sitting for months (or even years)! More importantly, it’s about gaining awareness of the bigger picture: how our beliefs and behaviors have brought us to this point and how to move forward with intention toward the life we want to lead.


Seattle, United States

I have the tools now

I got so much out of working with Annette in a supportive and courageous group of women. My home space feels wonderful to be in. There’s more to go but now I have the tools to keep going on my own.


New York, United States

Support of group members

I liked hearing everyone share during the meetings, and hearing what you said to each person. I could relate with what everyone said and that connection felt good. I also appreciated the support of you and the members of the group, especially when I had a hard time.


Brooklyn, United States

Really motivated by the feedback

The course is wonderful because you are really motivated by the feedback from Annette and the group and the challenge is easier to overcome in a community. Annette is very experienced and holds the space for the group.


Kiel, Germany

 The group kept me going

“I loved the accountability and support, otherwise I wouldn’t have started and kept going! Small group on zoom rather than too many people worked wonders for me.”


Edinburgh, Scotland

I loved Annette’s light

Highly recommend Annette’s online course. Annette’s energy, motivation, creative ideas and inspiration spur you on to get projects done, and she gives realistic tools to accomplish them. Loved Annette’s light that radiates from her; her generosity, compassion, and the group vibe at the weekly meetings. Annette, through her encouragement, makes you feel you can get it done.


Sydney, Australia

Safe cauldron of love and wisdom

If you want to move a project forward that you’re feeling stuck with, this is a safe cauldron of love and wisdom to propel you forward.


San Antonio, United States

Join The Community

Harmonize Your Home and your Life

Hi, I am Annette

I have moved homes over 30 times and was very aware that the home choices I make will have a strong impact on the shape of my life. As a Feng Shui Consultant and meditator I have trained my energetic awareness for over 20 years.
Once my energetic awareness awakened and I started to follow my intuition everything changed. I am a happier person. Following my inner guidance is now my life’s compass and I feel in alignment with my Higher Self.


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