Where is oo-net-la-nuh-hee?
Roseville, California
As I was entering the 55+ senior living community in Roseville, California a sense of peace, comfort and spaciousness overcame me instantaneously. The lush greenery gave the development a tropical flair and reminded me of Disney World in a strange way. The homes were situated alongside a nicely maintained golf course.
I was passing by single-story homes with well appointed front yards as I was closely observing the speed bumps approaching my client’s home. As soon as I pull up in front of my client Rose’s home, she is stepping out of her front door to welcome me and to signal that my car is ok to park in front of her garage.
Rose has looked me up for a space clearing ceremony of her home. Plus, she would like to prepare her home with some virtual clutter clearing sessions to get things a bit more in order prior to my arrival. It’s always a delight for me to meet my clients in person after having done some serious decluttering virtually already.
The issue with the new home
Recently divorced she had moved into this home 2 years ago to create new beginnings and start the next chapter of her life. From day one of moving in, Rose shares that she experienced a heavy space in the house and wasn’t able to get her usual flow going.
Then life took an unexpected turn. Her sister passed, her mother died and other family members struggled with health issues and Rose herself suffered injuries from a roller skating accident. All these tragic events happened within a short period of time.
A twist of fate
Rose was struggling to come to terms why she experienced a twist of fate after she had moved into this home. She was convinced that she needed to clear out the tiresome, stuck energy she stumbled across when initially arriving at this home, move through a lot of emotions and let go of her own grief to be able to move forward.
She said: “When I look at family items I don’t want to get teary eyed any longer. I want to flip around from being sad to rejoicing in this next phase of my life.”
At 75 years old I have no time to waste
She desired to release many items to not be responsible for so much stuff. She wanted to make her home smaller and nicer and create a bird sanctuary in her backyard.
In particular she needed help with decluttering boxes of photos, Dickens Christmas items, gardening tools and opening up storage space in her garage. She realized there were far too many outdated journals crowding her home and art stuff she stopped using.
Over the period of three weeks we met over Zoom and I assisted her to declutter the respective areas of her home.
I was so proud of her, Rose was so motivated and made great progress. I could literally see the burden of all the stagnant clutter lifting off her shoulders. What a relief!
Why clutter clearing is the best preparation for space clearing
The day arrives
After understanding the underlying reason for her clutter, releasing her associated emotions and grief and letting go off the clutter that kept her anchored in her past, she was ready. By getting rid of the clutter, the energy of Rose’s home has been primed to receive the spiritual frequencies of the space clearing ceremony.
Rose has detached herself from the heavy clutter, too and was accessible for a spiritual experience.
Out of Nowhere
The sound of the consecrated temple bells during the clearing and consecrating part of the space clearing ceremony have just cleared junks of stagnant energy in the home and made space for a big surprise.
I had asked Rose to take a seat as I could feel a magnificent spiritual presence approach her home. Rose could feel it too and was sitting completley still. Her facial features changed and her whole aura started to light up.
I was standing with my bells in hand motionless all senses turned up for this sacred moment. I was bearing witness to her heart and spiritual centers being freed up and disentangled from the heaviness of the home as she was opening to the glory of this deeply spiritual moment.
Forgotten friend
Rose was now sitting supremely still and receptive. She knew this magnificent presence from the depth of her heart. She welcomed it. She breathed it in.
With her eyes still closed she smiled and whispered: The Great Spirit oo-net-la-nuh-hee has just arrived in my living room.
We were both absolutely silent for a long while. A high deity, worshipped as the omnipresent supreme life force of all being is blessing her space and her life.
When you are being immersed in such spiritual dimension it is hard to track earthly time. Was it 5, maybe 8 minutes? I know the Great Spirit of the Cherokee from spending time with my dear grandmother, Rose went on.
Sadly, after her childhood days she had forgotten all about it until today.
The profundity of spiritual reconnection
Sense of Belonging
The context for this depth of spiritual experience is mostly missing in our modern, fast paced world. Yet many human beings are seekers, yearning for a deeper and more meaningful life. When you have such a profound spiritual awakening, the track of your life path will never be the same. Instead of living by exterior circumstances we suddenly realize that we are indeed spiritual beings.
Spiritual and non-denominational
A space clearing ceremony is non-denominational and inviting high spiritual connection not just for clearing and revitalizing the energies of the home but raising the level of consciousness in the client’s personal space.
“One of the remarkable qualities of the White Gold spiritual connection that is associated with the space clearing ceremony we have pioneered and developed is that it can act as a platform for other spiritual connections that have integrity to land on. This is why it can be used by people from such a wide range of cultural backgrounds, religions, and spiritual beliefs.”
(Karen Kingston and Richard Kingston. Space Clearing Vol II)
Divine Timing
I have to be honest with you, when I first arrived in Roseville that day, I had no idea this appointment between the Great Spirit and Rose’s Higher Self had been made. I just know it all happened in divine order.
The arrival of the great presence of Unetlanvhi on that Sunday was a personal gift from high spiritual realms for Rose.
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.
Cherokee Prayer Blessing
I wish to thank Unetlanvhi, the Great Spirit, for hearing the call of the bells that day and reconnecting Rose with her higher parts she had forgotten.

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