New Year – Fresh Beginnings
At the start of the New Year, I was asked to Feng Shui a couple of the Real Estate Offices in Reno, Nevada. With mortgage rates at all-time highs, 2023 has been a challenging year for the entire industry and I was delighted to support in bringing in an impulse of fresh energy for the New Business Year. Leaving the past behind and setting a fresh impulse for the New Year is not the only occasion when Feng Shui can help. It’s commonly used to increase prosperity and team harmony. Other occasions include starting a new line of business, moving offices or adding new team members and leveling up.
Transparency is Key
Before I arrive, I will have an in-depth conversation with the teams to identify the specific challenges and what their intentions are for the new year to formulate the focus for the consultation. It is important that these conversations are frank and productive. Everything that didn’t work will be left behind and we will evaluate what can be done to foster the desired growth moving forward.
Four Parts of the Consultation
1) Defining the focus for the consultation and setting intentions (offsite)
2) Space Clearing consultation (onsite). Reset and revitalize the energy for a vibrant flow in the space supporting the business.
3) Feng Shui advise (onsite)
4) Follow up conversation (offsite)
Team 1
Miranda has three office spaces with specialized teams and a back office. The space clearing created cohesive and vibrant energy levels throughout all offices.
A good analogy is to visualize what takes place in-between tennis matches during the French Open on a clay tennis court. The court is imprinted with grooves and action, the dust has settled, and the air is still filled with the afterglow of the match. The winning or losing streaks of the occupants have settled and the score board is reset to zero.
Then the big broom is pulled out sweeping across the red sand. It smoothens out all the old grooves. The white line perimeters of the court are brushed, and the brisk white is surfacing again. The sweat of the previous players is wiped off the seats thus resetting the space for the new players. This is an example of what I do for the new occupants of a home or office.
Desk Positioning
During the Feng Shui session we look at the desk positioning and where everybody is sitting. A new member will join the team this year. Does it matter which desk he will occupy? Absolutely! Everyone brings a different energy to the team and is best seated to increase the team success and flow in the office.
A marketing specialist has a particular personality and therefore prospers in a different area than a top producing agent. To maximize the flow and productivity within your team, it’s important that you pay attention to this.
Understanding the Symbolism
Through reading the symbolism in any office the energy can be fine-tuned. What’s in the office and in what order, what shape and what size does contribute to the harmony of the space. It can uplift the atmosphere and create flow; even better if it reflects the team’s values. Since the space clearing reset and revitalization her office space, the team leader has recognized what items no longer add value to the space and the goals of the coming year.
Team 2
Brittany’s team is growing, and she required an additional room to accommodate team members and added functions of her business. Luckily the office next door had opened. The unused space felt cold and stale since the other team moved out. Nobody felt comfortable spending time in this new area.
It is always a good idea to reset the energy in a new space to remove the energetic imprints of the previous occupants. It allows you to create your own momentum. Since the consultation “The team has noticed the shift in the new office space and has been excited and more productive” says Brittany.
The proper orientation of the team members in the space is a critical aspect of this. One team member’s responsibility has grown so much since the last consultation a year ago that we need to find him a better seat around the table. Shifting the seating of the space uplifted the energy of the team.
Feng Shui No-Nos
What I notice in too many office spaces is a waste bin and clutter in the wealth corner. Anything placed in this area will multiply! It is important to have the energy flow which in turn will attract wealth. In order words, don’t place your clutter or trash in the wealth corner.
Other Feng Shui No-Nos
1) Unfinished projects and paperwork from 2023.
Energy around an unfinished item is stagnant and hinders growth instead of building momentum for the current year.
2) Outdated marketing material.
It is another symbol of the past that you have outgrown. It not only takes you back to the past but also takes up space for new opportunities to come in.
3) Dead and withering plants.
The purpose of an office is not to nurse greenery back to life. To keep energy fresh and flowing, make sure the plants are well attended to and growing. A thriving plant symbolizes growth and opportunities.
4) Unnecessary decorative items.
The message of an unnecessary item is nothing at best. It clutters up the space and creates distraction. You want to have a well-appointed space with some room for possibilities and for any decorative item to up level the space and carry meaning in accordance with your business values and office needs.
5) Highest reward placed on lowest shelf.
Symbols do create a hierarchy. The highest reward and achievement that inspires everyone deserves to be in a higher place on the wall than a decorative item that just looks pretty but carries no meaning. The reward serves a reminder of success and a focal point where everyone can align their motivation every time they step into the office.
If you wish to explore how a Feng Shui consultation can benefit your business, feel free to
Wishing you great success for 2024

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Consultant | Speaker | Author
Set Up your #WFH Space for Success
Consultant | Speaker | Author
Set Up your #WFH Space for Success