5 simple ways to declutter your mind

For enhanced clarity and peace of mind

 5 simple ways to declutter your mind

We had such a spark between us and I can’t forget him. It hurts my heart so much, I can’t focus or think of anything else, I am so nervous running into him… After speaking with my girlfriend for 15 minutes there was laughter on both ends of the line. After all, that’s what friends are for and humor is a great medicine.

Can you relate to a similar sticky thought playing like a broken record in your mind – in this or perhaps another area of your life? It’s called a looping thought and considered mental clutter. Too many thoughts, too much chatter, endless worries, never-ending complaints and constant judgments are all examples of mental clutter – the antithesis to clarity. Not only were my friend’s thoughts centered around that one, unavailable man, her emotions went onto a roller coaster with it, too and she felt constricted within herself for weeks. That’s what clutter does, it makes you feel stuck and drains your energy.

De-stressing and taking a completely different perspective was part of my strategy to help her break that loop. Whenever “he” came into her thoughts she reinforced her boundaries and let him disappear into the background. “A strong and good hearted man to come into my life or better” was her new-found mantra.

She ran into him the next day. She texted me: “I deleted all his pictures and text messages immediately after our call, I had zero nerves when I saw him today.”
Yeah!! I am so proud of her not hanging out in his waiting room any longer. Instead, she is joyfully engaging in her own life: swimming, traveling, expanding her business, following a quest in spiritual self-discovery and spending time with dear friends.

When, for whatever reason, we are not able to live such a spark in the colorful ways our creative mind is panning it out for us, it hurts. BUT if you are like my friend and like to get unstuck from the looping thought and move on with your life, here are five simple ways to declutter your mind as a healthy mental hygiene routine just like brushing your teeth:

  1. Remove the trigger: Deleting the messages from her phone was eliminating the biggest trigger that brought up a thought storm and pain every time she checked her phone
  2. Practice boundaries and self-care: Every time he came into her thoughts she took a deep breath, brought herself back to her center and discharged the thought
  3. Acknowledge your part: By understanding why she entertained the looping thought, she experienced a burst of inner clarity
  4. The bigger picture: She is ready for a loving relationship, removing the unavailable man from her life opens up the space for real possibilities
  5. The gain: She thought she experienced a loss of love. She let the false promise go and allowed the spark of love, unattached to a specific outcome or person, flow – she realized love is within and never lost

Choosing to let love flow through us allows us to come closer to our divine nature. It uplifts us and attracts new beginnings. To make space for new love in your life by resetting the energy in your home, book your complimentary space clearing discovery session here.

XOXO Annette


… And you might wonder, what happened next? Just shy of three months later, she met a wonderful guy. They fell in love. And the rest, well the rest, is history …


PS I am a Feng Shui practitioner helping my clients to let go of clutter and reconnect to their spiritual nature. The story is demonstrating in an easy fashion how mental clutter can affect us and simple tools to declutter. If you are in need of medical or psychological help, please contact a health care practitioner.


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