This is a vulnerable share
A week ago I received an email from my mother titled “Asking for a personal consultation”:
My dear daughter, I have started so hopefully to declutter my belongings and out of the blue I got stuck. Right now I am fine again and I am decluttering my linen closet. Can we speak soon please so you can share some more tips with me? I would be so very grateful. Hugs and kisses, Mom.
The Past
Born in 1939 at the beginnings of WWII my Mom says they had as good an upbringing as you can possibly imagine given the circumstances. They were bombed out twice during WWII and lost everything. Literally everything. Miraculously nobody was harmed. My Mom was in the American sector. She shares when the war was over, American soldiers were throwing potato chips down from their tanks while driving through the streets to the kids. It’s no surprise that AFN was her favorite radio station!
The Present
My Mom is an organized person, she just has more stuff, more decorations than she will ever need. The experience of losing her home twice in early childhood traumatized her deeply. Unresolved grief can be the underlying cause for hanging on to all those countless items “It gives me comfort”, “It makes me feel at home” is what she shares.
Now this comfort layer is starting to weigh in, it is becoming overwhelming and instead of giving her comfort is turning into the opposite, it is becoming a heavy burden.
The Daughter’s Journey
Helping clients professionally for over 15 years in decluttering and energizing their homes, facilitating massive breakthroughs in their clutter clearing journey, it was humiliating to say the least that no matter what I tried, I could only be a by-stander as all the help I offered to my Mom was turned down.
Her email is such a beautiful turning point. It touched my heart. Now she is ready, she is asking for help and I am so happy to jump into action!
The Future
My Mom and I had a strategy session and now my Mom has a plan. A customized, bullet-proof strategy. We speak every second day, she is making great progress and is getting happier by the day. Can you imagine how grateful I am and how happy this makes me for her?
The Strategy
Do you find yourself in a similar position supporting a loved one in need of clutter clearing, or are you looking for some guidance yourself? Here are some great questions that will help you to come up with your own clutter clearing strategy:
WHY? Why is it important? What is the bigger motivation?
WHERE? What are the target areas and where is a quick win area to start?
WHAT? What type of clutter is to tackle? Can you categorize them?
HOW? How can I break down the big task into small, doable chunks?
WHEN? What time of day are you feeling fresh to clutter clear?
WHO? Who can be a clutter clearing buddy, a support person, an accountability partner?
Happy Mother’s Day Month.
I am inviting 6 Moms to a small group coaching.
Hurry Up!
Onboarding closes this Wednesday May 26th.
Schedule: 4 hours over 4 classes
Register here or forward it to your Mom:
Who is it for:
- Moms who are overwhelmed juggling it all
- Moms who don’t know how to get started
- Moms who are seeking a way out of the chaos
What you will receive:
- 1:1 Onboarding Call 30 min
- Personalized Clutter Clearing Strategy
- 4 x 1 hrs Group Coaching Calls
- Private WhatsApp Group
- Weekly Personal Check-In 3 x 15 min
- Reduced stress
- Less tired
- More free time
- Increased energy
- Smile on your face
With so much love and gratitude,

Mom's Group Coaching
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Consultant | Speaker | Author
Set Up your #WFH Space for Success
Hi Annette,
What a stunning way to share your story. I bet people love hearing about this very personal aspect of your life.
Beautiful space.
Thought you might like to correct one type, I am sure you mean chunks not junks in one of the questions.
HOW? How can I break down the big task into small, doable junks?
Great to see!
Much love,
Thanks so much, Richard! Of course chunk down the junk:)